Sunday, September 21, 2008

Honda Gives New Meaning To Road Noise

Residents of northern Los Angeles County are not grooving to this music. Lancaster city officials said this week that they're paving over a quarter-mile strip of asphalt grooved to play the William Tell Overture when auto tires speed over it.

The road was completed this month as part of an ad campaign for Honda. It's engineered to play the overture — also known as the theme to "The Lone Ranger" — at perfect pitch for motorists driving Honda Civics at 55 mph.

There are several videos of this at YouTube. When I Become Omnipotent I think I'll have most major highways tuned to play various songs from the 70's. I-5 should be long enough for the entire Bat Out Of Hell album from Meatloaf. Just imagine listening to Paradise By The Dashboard Light while going over the Grapevine.

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