Thursday, May 26, 2011

Well That's One Way To Remove It

Middle Age Texting Codes

ATD -at the doctor

BFF -best friend fell

BTW -bring the wheelchair

BYOT -bring your own teeth

FWIW -forgot where I was

GGPBL -gotta go, pacemaker battery low

GHA -got heartburn again

IMHO -is my hearing aid on

LMDO -laughing my dentures out

OMMR -on my massage recliner

ROFLACGU -rolling on floor laughing and can't get up

TTYL -talk to you louder

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sorry You Missed It

Police Log

Sandusky Police Blotter: 1300 block Vine St, woman thinks her husband is cheating on her because he packed his erectile dysfunction medication for a solo trip to Las Vegas

Yes, Please

Quote Of The Day

"Marriage is like a car. Along the way it has its bumps and dings, and this country can't make one that lasts more than five years." -- Homer Simpson

Bad Sign

And Make It Short!!!

The Place "To Go"

Deep Thoughts

He's not dead, He's electroencephalographically challenged.

I wonder how much deeper would the ocean be without sponges.

I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

Honk if you love peace and quiet.

Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so popular?

Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool.

Diplomacy is saying "nice doggy" until you find a rock.

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

You have the right to remain silent...Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.

Uh, No Thank You

Wonder If They Need A Judge


Commentary On The Rapture That Wasn't

Monday, May 2, 2011

Let Us Pray. For Those Who Create These Signs.